mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

Atavistic (1987) Equilibrium [7", EP]

Artist: Atavistic
Title: Equilibrium
Label: Loony Tunes Records - TUNE 7
Format: Vinyl, 7", EP, 33 RPM, White Label
Country: UK
Released: 1987
Genre: Rock
Style: Thrash, Hardcore, Punk, Grindcore

A1 Half Life
A2 Means To An End
B1 Perpetual Motion
B2 Timshel

Bass [Uncredited] – Patrick McKernan
Drums [Uncredited] – John Brenchley
Guitar, Vocals [Uncredited] – Jeremy Upcroft

Credits derived from "Trapped in a Scene - UK Hardcore 1985-1989" book by Ian Glasper 2009.

Pressing plant uncredited, identified by run-out etchings.

domenica 25 maggio 2014

Port-Royal (2005) Flares

Non capita molto spesso che una produzione italiana, in ambito indipendente, raggiunga livelli qualitativi tali da attestarla accanto a quelle di affermati artisti internazionali, con pari dignità e non solo per una certa simpatia di bandiera. Capita ancora più raramente, purtroppo, che una simile evenienza trovi terreno fertile nell'ambiente indipendente italiano, troppo impegnato a costruire falsi alternativi, ma capace di far passare quasi sotto silenzio un'opera sorprendente quale questo debutto dei genovesi Port-Royal, significativamente uscito per la piccola ma attivissima etichetta britannica Resonant, sempre molto attenta nella ricerca di nuove e interessanti sensazioni, soprattutto quando si tratta, come in questo caso, di musica strumentale e sognante, a cavallo tra classicismo, sperimentazioni rock ed elettroniche.

Benché "Flares" si collochi su solchi artistici già tracciati ed esplorati soprattutto da band nordiche e mitteleuropee, sarebbe errato considerarlo il mero frutto di una pur riuscita emulazione manieristica, poiché esso appare fin da subito il risultato dell'intersezione di influenze ed esperienze musicali anche piuttosto diverse tra loro, filtrate attraverso la specifica sensibilità del gruppo nel corso di oltre due anni di lavoro. Le dieci tracce strumentali incluse nei quasi ottanta minuti dell'album spaziano infatti ampiamente, in un flusso mentale unico, tra reminiscenze di classica contemporanea, atmosfere dilatate e sognanti, tracce di elettronica minimale e passaggi dominati da beat più marcati.

L'idea della ricchezza e varietà del contenuto di questo lavoro proviene già dall'iniziale "Jeka", che esordisce con tre semplici note di pianoforte alla Sylvain Chauveau su una texture sintetica rarefatta e avvolgente, che prende ben presto il sopravvento instaurando una sospesa quiete ambientale, alla maniera di Labradford o Stars Of The Lid, appena squarciata da un flebile parlato in lontananza.
Analogamente spettrale è l'incipit della successiva "Spetsnaz/Paul Leni", scosso da una frenetica percussione elettronica che, dapprima dissolta in una spessa coltre di drones, riprende su un ritmo quasi ballabile, per poi disperdersi, sopraffatta da impalpabili suoni ambientali e da un inaspettato accordo di chitarra, preludio a un finale ipnotico, pervaso da iterativi segnali interstellari, galleggianti su una distorsione cosmica. Ben più impetuoso è il percorso degli oltre 12 minuti di "Karola Bloch", brano dalla costruzione simile ad alcune delle prime produzioni dei Mogwai - rispetto alle quali le chitarre sono però sostituite da un febbrile ritmo elettronico - che non solo ne scandisce il tempo, ma lo conduce attraverso territori di sottile e glaciale psichedelia destrutturata.

Se già le strutture di questi brani possono risultare ben complesse, il gruppo genovese esprime compiutamente, anche dal punto di vista concettuale, la sua non banale vivacità compositiva nei due brani suddivisi in tre movimenti ciascuno, "Zobione" e "Flares", dei quali il primo mostra una struttura articolata e mutevole, mentre la composizione che dà il titolo al lavoro presenta un andamento circolare con numerose variazioni sul suo tema.

"Zobione" si snoda dalla sinistra e densa nebbia psichedelica della sua prima parte, che pian piano si dirada fino a sciogliersi nel caldo e avvolgente ritmo liquido della seconda, caratterizzata da apeture liriche di ampio respiro, tra le quali sembrano scorgersi atmosfere floydiane, rivitalizzate da una delicata vena umbratile, non così distante da quella dei Sigur Rós; decisamente consacrata a un suono elettronico è infine la terza parte, costruita sull'alternanza tra un beat incalzante e minimali passaggi cinematici.
L'incantevole "Flares" disegna invece melodie sognanti e avvolgenti, che si rincorrono nelle sue tre parti: la prima (senza dubbio il brano più affascinante dell'intero lavoro), costellata da un pianoforte romantico e chitarre languide avviluppate in crepitii elettronici, a metà tra le atmosfere di Pan American e dei Sigur Rós di "( )"; la seconda, caratterizzata da suoni di caldo crescendo emotivo e ricca di suggestioni romantiche, tra le quali si intravede una lieve psichedelia post-canterburiana, filtrata dalle esperienze di gruppi quali Slowdive e, ancora, Sigur Rós; la terza, improntata a un'elettronica ambientale, a chiudere idealmente il cerchio, reinterpretando ancora il tema portante della composizione, che alla fine ritorna brevemente nella forma originaria della prima parte.

Benché non sia agevole rendere il contenuto di un lavoro così vario, va comunque sottolineato con favore come la band riesca a presentare un'opera ricca di ottime intuizioni, per nulla scontata in un panorama musicale in cui è ormai difficile - anche per gruppi affermati - mantenere un sufficiente grado di freschezza e originalità. Seppur l'album sia affine, per concezione e ambientazioni sonore, alle pregevoli opere di The Album Leaf e dei compagni d'etichetta Stafrænn Hákon e Blindfold, la molteplicità di riferimenti stilistici e compositivi presenti in esso rende difficile ascriverlo a un qualche specifico "genere", essendo in esso coniugati tanto beat elettronici quanto stratificazioni chitarristiche, tanto statici scenari ambientali quanto passaggi emozionali, ora quieti ora intensi. Proprio in questi ultimi si riesce meglio ad apprezzare (è il caso di "Flares Pt. 1") l'attitudine per le melodie glaciali e introspettive di una band che sarebbe però riduttivo e semplicistico etichettare come l'incarnazione mediterranea dei Sigur Rós, dei quali pure i Port-Royal condividono la capacità di dar vita a una musica avvolgente e dai contorni sfumati e costantemente cangianti.

Recensione di Raffaello Russo

Artist: Port-Royal
Title: Flares
Label: Resonant - RESCD012
Format: CD, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 31 May 2005
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Post Rock, Ambient, IDM

01 Jeka [3:56]
02 Spetsnaz/Paul Leni [10:59]
03 Zobione Pt. 1 [6:48]
04 Zobione Pt. 2 [8:10]
05 Zobione Pt. 3 [5:07]
06 Karola Bloch [12:34]
07 Flares Pt. 1 [8:40]
08 Flares Pt. 2 [9:08]
09 Flares Pt. 3 [5:54]
10 Stimmung [6:07]

Attilio Bruzzone
Ettore Di Roberto
Emilio Pozzolini
Giulio Corona
Michele Di Roberto

Written and produced mostly at home in Genoa from 02/2002 to 11/2004 by Port-Royal
Mastering by Daniel Lovegrove at Codered 2, Reading (UK) 12/2004
Pictures by Stefano Mitrione L'Existentialisme III C/Print
Courtesy h:( the Young Art Gallery-London
Vocal sample on Karola Bloch courtesy of
Artwork by Stefano Piccardo

In memoria di Giorgio Pozzolini e di Antonietta Consonni.

All song by Port-Royal

Port-Royal (2005) Flares

sabato 24 maggio 2014

King Kong (1993) Funny Farm

Artist: King Kong
Title: Funny Farm
Label: Drag City - DC33CD
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: 16 Aug 1993
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Garage Rock, Lo-Fi, Pop Rock, Indie Rock

01 Funny Farm [4:00]
02 Dirty City, Rainy Day [2:57]
03 Scooba Dooba Diver [3:45]
04 Uh-Oh [4:07]
05 Here I Am [3:38]
06 Bad Cat Blues [4:04]
07 Tornado Song [2:55]
08 King Kong [4:10]
09 White Horse [6:13]
10 Island Paradise [2:22]

Artwork By Richard Schuler
Ethan Buckler - Bass, Harmonica [Harp], Choir, Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards
Choir – Dan Koretzky (tracks: 4, 8), Grant Barger
Richard Schuler - Congas, Drums, Choir
David Grubbs - Guitar (tracks: 4) (Bastro, Bitch Magnet, Boxhead Ensemble, Codeine, Gastr Del Sol, Parallax Ensemble, Red Krayola, Squirrel Bait, Wingdale Community Singers)
Britt Walford - Keyboards (tracks: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9)
Brad Wood - Keyboards, Saxophone, Vocals, Saxophone [Baritone]
Recorded By Brad Wood
Steve Tysca - Trumpet (tracks: 9)
Amy George - Vocals (tracks: 2, 5, 9, 10)

Recorded at Idful Music, Chicago.

venerdì 23 maggio 2014

Orange 9mm (1994) Orange 9mm [EP]

Artist: Orange 9mm
Title: Orange 9mm
Label: Revelation Records - 31 CD, Atlantic - 14256-2
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 1994
Genre: Hardcore
Style: Hardcore

1 Driver [3:33]
2 Cutting And Draining [3:28]
3 Dry [3:03]
4 Can't Decide [3:17]

Chris Traynor - Guitar
Chaka Malik - Vocals
Larry Gorman - Drums
Davide Gentile - Bass
(All bass tracks on this release played by former member Eric Rice)

Orange 9mm (1994) Orange 9mm [EP]
Grifters (1995) The Eureka E.P.

Artist: Grifters
Title: The Eureka E.P.
Label: Shangri-La Records - Shangri-La Records 013
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 1995
Genre: Rock
Style: Lo-Fi, Indie Rock

1 Eureka I.V. [2:41]
2 His Jesus Song [2:35]
3 Slow Day For The Cleaner [4:19]
4 Whatever Happened To Felix Cole [2:24]
5 Founder's Day Parade [3:21]
6 Banjo [2:56]
7 X-Ray Hip [3:43]

Bass – Tripp Lamkins
Co-producer – Davis McCain, Doug Easley
Drums – Stan Gallimore
Guitar – John Stivers (tracks: 3, 5)
Guitar, Vocals – Dave Shouse, Scott Taylor (3)
Percussion – Roy Berry (tracks: 6)
Slide Guitar – Doug Easley (tracks: 1)
Vocals – Melissa Dunn (tracks: 7)
Written By Grifters (tracks: 1 to 4, 6, 7)

Recorded to 4-track cassette by The Grifters at Shangri-La Records, Memphis, TN.
Sweetened by Doug Easley & Davis McCain at Easley (now Easley-McCain) Studios, Memphis, TN.

giovedì 22 maggio 2014

Sense Field (1995) Papercut [PROMO]

Artist: Sense Field
Title: Papercut
Label: Revelation Records - REV32-PROMO
Format: CD, Promo
Country: US
Released: 1995
Genre: Rock
Style: Hardcore, Emo

1 Papercut (From Killed For Less)
2 Shallow Grave (Demo)
3 Voice (From First Self-released EP)
4 Found You (From Second Self-released EP)
5 Soft (From Second Self-released EP)
6 Outlive The Man (Demo)
7 Voice (Alternate Mix)
8 Sage (From First Self-released EP)

cd promotional not for sale

Iceburn / Engine Kid (1994) Split [EP]

Artist: Iceburn / Engine Kid
Title: Split
Label: Revelation Records - REVELATION:34
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 1994
Genre: Jazz, Rock
Style: Post Rock, Free Improvisation, Hardcore, Experimental

1 Iceburn - Danses (10/93) [15:32]
2 Iceburn - Danses (4/94) [11:40]
3 Engine Kid - Trailhead At Lake 22 [5:49]
4 Engine Kid - Hiking The Circumference Of The Mountaintop Lake [7:40]
5 Engine Kid - The Shining Path [7:24]

Gentry Densley - Guitar
James Holder - Guitar
Greg Nielsen - T. Sax
Joe Smith - Drums
Cache Tolman - Bass

Engine Kid:
Brian Kraft
Greg Anderson
Jade Devitt
Tim Midgett - Trumpet

Cache Tolman - Bass (tracks: 1, 2)
Joe Smith - Drums (tracks: 1)
Drums, Percussion – Dan Day (tracks: 2), Randy Herbert (tracks: 2)
Gentry Densley - Guitar (tracks: 1, 2)
James Holder - Guitar (tracks: 1, 2)
Performer – Brian Kraft (tracks: 3, 4, 5), Greg Anderson (tracks: 3, 4, 5), Jade Devitt (tracks: 3, 4, 5)
Recorded By – John Goodmanson (tracks: 3, 4, 5)
Greg Nielson - Saxophone [Tenor] (tracks: 1, 2)
Tim Midgett - Trumpet (tracks: 3, 4, 5)

Tracks 1 and 2 are Improvisations on themes from Stravinsky's "The Rite Of Spring".
Track 2 is an alternate take, also referred to as "Rite" on the disc face.

Tracks 3-5 recorded in Ballard 11/93.

Packaged in a cardboard sleeve with Revelation Records mail order catalog insert.

martedì 20 maggio 2014

Sicbay (2000) Fort Busy Signal [EP]

Artist: Sicbay
Title: Fort Busy Signal
Label: Perverted Son Records - PSR003
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 2000
Genre: Rock
Style: Post Rock, Indie Rock

1 The Reach [5:03]
2 Bearskins + Rubber Knives [3:52]
3 Works Wondrous [4:23]
4 Checkered [4:06]

Dave Erb - Guitar, Bass, Accordion
Nick Sakes - Vocals, Guitar
Ed Rodriguez - Drums, Guitar, Autoharp, Harmonica

Recorded by Eric Meenk, March 2000
Mastered by Dave Gardner
Cover by Dave Erb
Hoover (1997) Hoover [EP]

Artist: Hoover
Title: Hoover
Label: Slowdime - Slowdime #9
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 1997
Genre: Rock
Style: Emo, Post Rock, Hardcore, Indie Rock

1 TNT [4:01]
2 New Five Drive [3:03]
3 Breather Resist [7:27]
4 Weeds [6:15]
5 Relectrolux/Electrodub [8:56]

Fred Erskine - Bass, Vocals
Christopher Farrall - Drums
Alex Dunham - Guitar, Vocals
Joseph McRedmond - Guitar, Vocals

Recorded October 1997 at WGNS, Washington DC.

domenica 18 maggio 2014

Belfi / Grubbs / Pilia (2010) Onrushing Cloud

This is the first recording by the trio of Andrea Belfi (drums, percussion, electronics), David Grubbs (electric guitar, piano, voice), and Stefano Pilia (electric guitar). Onrushing Cloud is characterized by the eccentric, fleeting symmetries of Grubbs and Pilia's guitar playing simultaneously mediated, punctuated, and over- and underscored by Belfi's hybrid assemblage and deeply personal vocabulary of electronics and percussion. Although ultimately divided into five songs, this is clearly a single start-to-finish skein.

Artist: Belfi / Grubbs / Pilia
Title: Onrushing Cloud
Label: Blue Chopsticks - BC21
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Post Rock, Experimental

1 Hermitage [7:14]
2 Nitrated Out [3:31]
3 City Rats on a Mountain Pass [4:51]
4 Onrushing Cloud [5:28]
5 Lightning Vault [9:55]

Andrea Belfi - Drums, Percussion, Electronics
David Grubbs - Electric Guitar, Piano, Voice (Bastro, Bitch Magnet, Boxhead Ensemble, Codeine, Gastr Del Sol, Parallax Ensemble, Red Krayola, Squirrel Bait, Wingdale Community Singers)
Stefano Pilia - Electric Guitar

giovedì 15 maggio 2014

AGE (2001) Ralph Macchio 2001

Artist: AGE
Title: Ralph Macchio 2001
Label: Loretta Records - LR001
Format: CD, Album
Country: Italy, GE
Released: 2001
Genre: Alternative
Style: Noise, Lo-Fi, Indie Rock

1 Square Garden
2 I Hate The Space
3 Air Conditioned
4 Baron Karza
5 I Dream Of You
6 In The Pie Pie Pie
7 Upload
8 I Saw You Edit
9 Cocktail

Le canzoni "In The Pie Pie Pie" e "Upload" nel Back CD sono invertite per errore

Special Thanks:
Mousefucker and Cybercow forever!

AGE (2001) Ralph Macchio 2001

venerdì 9 maggio 2014

The New Christs (2011) The Ledge / Meanwhile [7", Ltd ed. 500]

Artist: The New Christs
Title: The Ledge / Meanwhile
Label: Pitshark Records - RIK 024
Format: Vinyl, 7", 45 RPM, Limited Edition, Numbered
Country: Australia
Released: 2011
Genre: Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Garage Rock

A1 The Ledge
B1 Meanwhile

Jim Dickson - Bass
Dave Kettley - Guitar
Brent Williams - Guitar & Keyboards
Stuart Wilson - Drums
Rob Younger - Vocals & Guitar

Limited edition of 500 on black vinyl, numbered on the back sleeve

giovedì 8 maggio 2014

3RA1N1AC (1996) Hissing Prigs In Static Couture

Artist: 3RA1N1AC
Title: Hissing Prigs In Static Couture
Label: Touch And Go - TG155CD
Format: CD, Album
Country: US
Released: 1996
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Electro, Punk, Synth-pop, Experimental

01 Indian Poker (Part 3) [0:52]
02 Pussyfootin' [2:37]
03 Vincent Come On Down [2:34]
04 This Little Piggy [3:52]
05 Strung [2:11]
06 Hot Seat Can't Sit Down [3:10]
07 The Vulgar Trade [1:45]
08 Beekeeper's Maxim [2:54]
09 Kiss Me, You Jacked Up Jerk [3:14]
10 70 Kg Man [3:32]
11 Indian Poker (Part 2) [0:46]
12 Nothing Ever Changes [2:43]
13 I Am A Cracked Machine [4:35]

Timmy Taylor - Vocals, Incidental
John Schmersal - Guitar
Tyler Trent - Drums
Monasterio - Bass

Produced and Engineered by Eli Janney
Recorded at Water Music, Hoboken, NJ
Assisted by Jeff Gattens
Except "Nothing Ever Changes" recorded by Steve Albini in his basement.
All tracks mixed by Mr. EJ at Oz Recording, Baltimore, MD
Assisted by Mike Rippe

With Love : Tim Taylor rest in peace

3RA1N1AC (1996) Hissing Prigs In Static Couture

Brainiac (1995) Internationale [EP]

Artist: Brainiac
Title: Internationale
Label: Touch And Go - TG148CD
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 10 Oct 1995
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Punk, Experimental

1 Go Freaks Go [2:24]
2 Silver Iodine [3:00]
3 Simon Says [5:22]

Tim Taylor – Vocals, Keyboards
John Schmersal – Electric Guitar, Keyboards
Tyler Trent – Drums
Juan Monasterio – Bass Guitar

Decoded by Kim Deal
Recorded by Dave Doughman
Photo by John Falls

With Love : Tim Taylor rest in peace

Brainiac (1995) Internationale [EP]
3RA1N1AC (1997) Electro-shock for President [EP]

Artist: 3RA1N1AC
Title: Electro-shock for President
Label: Touch And Go - TG174CD
Format: CD, EP
Country: US
Released: 1997
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Electro, Noise, Synth-pop, Experimental

1 Fresh New Eyes [2:20]
2 Flash Ram [3:34]
3 Fashion 500 [2:21]
4 The Turnover [2:09]
5 For My Beloved [0:51]
6 Mr. Fingers [3:00]

Tim Taylor – Vocals, Keyboards
John Schmersal – Electric Guitar, Keyboards
Tyler Trent – Drums
Juan Monasterio – Bass Guitar

Special guest:
Boogie Switching by Jim O'Rourke

With Love : Tim Taylor rest in peace

3RA1N1AC (1997) Electro-shock for President [EP]

martedì 6 maggio 2014

Melt-Banana (1994, Reissue 1999) Cactuses Come In Flocks

Artist: Melt-Banana
Title: Cactuses Come In Flocks
Label: A-Zap Records - AZCD-0002
Format: CD, Album, Reissue
Country: Japan
Released: 1999
Genre: Rock
Style: Noise, Hardcore

01. Just Grub & Run
02. Talk Like Pop
03. Shining Hatcher
04. F. Part One
05. To the Core
06. F. Part Two
07. Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
08. Bunny Wasted a Month Waiting
09. Party-Hat
10. Shouting About Love
11. Sonic Turtle
12. Bored Elephant
13. Up and Down, 1,2,3.....
14. 1 to 11
15. Dried Up Water Park
16. How to Say 'Rip Them Off', Repeat After Me
17. Interval........
18. Locoweed in the Bottle
19. Ketchup-Mess
20. We Love Choco-Pa!
21. No Way to Hear
22. We Had Tails in the Old Days
23. So Far So Bad So What?
24. Frog Swims the River Down Giggling
25. I Hate It! (Long version)
26. Who Cares?
28. Pie War
29. Ants Living in a Narrow Box
30. Crayfish Song
31. 6 Feet Long for Her Neck
32. Picnic With Panic (Long version)

Originally released in 1994 on a label in U.K. called Chocolate Monk as a cassette tape.
One side (1 to 16) is a live recording at an improvisation festival in November 1992 in a small room at Tokyo Univ. of F.S., recorded by a portable DAT recorder with one stereo microphone. The other side (18 to 32) is a recording by 4tr. Multi-recorder in June-July 1994 for this album.

venerdì 2 maggio 2014

Saccharine Trust (1984) Surviving You, Always [LP]

Artist: Saccharine Trust
Title: Surviving You, Always
Label: SST Records - SST 024
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1984
Genre: Rock
Style: Punk, Avantgarde, Experimental

A1 The Giver Takes [2:05]
A2 Lot's Seed [1:59]
A3 Sunk [1:41]
A4 Speak [3:53]
A5 The House, The System, The Concrete [2:12]
A6 Remnants [3:48]
A7 The Cat. Cracker [5:03]
B1 Our Discovery [6:17]
B2 A Good Nights Bleeding [1:52]
B3 Craving The Center [1:08]
B4 YHWH On Acid [6:17]
B5 Peace Frog [4:12]

Vocals - Jack Brewer
Bass – Mark Hodson
Guitar - Joe Baiza
Drums – Tony Cicero
Engineer – Spot
Producer – Saccharine Trust, Spot

Some versions come with lyrics printed on the record sleeve. Never reissued on CD.

Thanks Le Garage Abandonné for LP Flac

Derek Bailey (1985) Notes: Solo Guitar Improvisations [LP]

Artist: Derek Bailey
Title: Notes: Solo Guitar Improvisations
Label: Incus Records - 48
Format: Vinyl, LP
Country: UK
Released: 1985
Genre: Jazz
Style: Free Improvisation

A1 K [5:07]
A2 Scaling [2:35]
A3 At Fives And Sixes [3:02]
A4 Notable [3:15]
A5 Noting [5:45]
B1 Speculations, Old Style [4:20]
B2 83, An Update On 38 [12:40]
B3 Titual Exhaustion [6:11]

Credits & Notes:
Side 1 recorded in London in April, 1985 by Adam Skeaping
Side 2 recorded in London in July, 1985 by Chris Green
Cover Design by Karen Brookman

Derek Bailey (1985) Notes: Solo Guitar Improvisations [LP]

giovedì 1 maggio 2014

A Short Apnea (1999) A Short Apnea

Artist: A Short Apnea
Title: A Short Apnea
Label: Wallace Records - wallace3, beware! RECORDS - NF012
Format: CD, Album
Country: Italy
Released: 1999
Genre: Rock
Style: Post Rock, Experimental

01 Il mondo in presenza di cose [4:36]
02 E-statico [4:18]
03 I've Found My Eyes (In A Puzzle Box) [2:18]
04 Neon paralleli [4:12]
05 A Short Apnea [4:22]
06 La nota nera per il tasto bianco [3:37]
07 Visita notturna al museo mnestico [5:02]
08 Racso [1:48]
09 Heat In June [15:20]
10 Note a margine [4:27]

Xabier Iriondo
Paolo Cantù
Fabio Magistrali

Special Guest:
Federico Ciappini (1, 4, 6, 8)

A Short Apnea (1999) A Short Apnea